Saturday 17 September 2011


So alcohol really is the horror child when it comes to losing weight. I went out on Friday night - had eaten well all day... then I thought I would line my stomach with some Subway. Subway is NOT ACTUALLY THAT GOOD FOR YOU! IT's a MYTH! Especially when your friend CONS you into getting a footlong. So unimpressed with my willpower to say 'no thankyou, a 6inch will do me'. Ugh.

Hooved down the footlong before heading out to a 1.5litre of beer (as you do), about 6 wines and a vodka soda. Which then was followed by a 2am home feed of a dash of spaghetti and a tortilla with mince, cheese, beans and tomato. It probably helped with the hangover, but it didn't help on the scales.

Yesterday then, I was hungover. Not too badly. I was at work and when I am at work its NEVER good. There is plenty of food in their cupboards and I usually just wanna eat the lot. I was a little naughty, but didn't go overboard. So yesterday I had..

Oats with a smidge of yoghurt (My new fav!)
Cup of tea Cup of tea!
A small packet of twisties
Two gingernuts (thank god these were the last two!)
6 pieces of sushi (some fried = bad news)
Two egg whites
A bit of 430pm - I am bored - Cereal
and then I got home and wasn't hungry.....
Then I thought I SHOULD eat - even though I wasnt hungry
SO i had a muffin split and a boiled egg.

When I look at it like it seems a lot. Which is the beauty of writing things down when you are doing something like this.

The other no-no is that I haven't been to the gym for 2 days. These 2days are the last of my 6 day programme. So instead of a 6day programme I made it a 4 day programme. NOT COOL. And the main reason behind not exercising? Alcohol.

So, again, alcohol really is the horror child when it comes to losing weight. Weighed in at 69 point something, didn't care to look at the rest.

Off to work for a 2nd day... am going to keep busy enough that I don't snoop around their fridge and pantry!

Someone give me some motivation!

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